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The 10 Day Cherokee KOH 2018


    Take a stock Jeep Cherokee, strip it down and build a King of the Hammers stock
class 4600 race vehicle in 10 short days. Is this a crazy idea!? Absolutely!!

    We don't question the fact that this seems next to impossible! The odds are
against us, and so is the time! Here's the thing though... too many people sit and day
dream of the things they want to do, and they never achieve those dreams. This entire team live in different states for the most part and we have always talk about racing in KOH, we asked ourselves last year after attending KOH when it will be a good time to build a race vehicle! We said things like...When we all live near each other again, when we have the money to invest in the project, when we have more time and when we have a plan!
Well, here is our plan, the other statements aren’t happening anytime soon!
So, why wait?
    We have came up with a plan to bring the best fabricating companies, Off-road
product sales companies and many other willing participants to bring this idea to life.
By the end, we all get to be part of something fun!

“If we are always waiting for the right time to do something, we will often miss the opportunity to do anything!” Daniel May-Applegate (founder & Driver)

Why: Why the F*#K NOT!! Life is to short to be just an onlooker. Anyone who wants
something bad enough finds a way to make it happen! The American dream is built on
this idea. All of the companies we work with and all the men and women that have
sponsored us have lived their lives around this very fact. That you must find passion
and love in the things you do to find success greater than the money you make!

When: 2018 King of the Hammer. Feb dates TBD:
Start build 3-4 weeks before the race. We plan to have a fully built vehicle 10 days after
the start date of the build. The week and a half following is to test vehicle and transport
our newly built race vehicle to the race.

Who: Gear Monkey Racing will present a 4600 Stock Class vehicle.

Who are we:
We are Team Gear Monkey Racing. This is the first year of this team being built!
The team is built up of average not so average Joe’s that share the same passion and interest for the off-road world and all things automotive. Some of us have been wheeling for decades some of us have just been introduced to it. We are made up of men and women that all have a love for the outdoors and achieving our dreams.

Where: The build will take place in Lafayette CO, Colorado Gear Monkeys Home base. The race will take place in Johnson Valley, Meads Dry Lake bed!!!